Oct 19, 2016

Dec 22, 2013 init.d script for btsync (based on another script built to - Move btsync to /usr/bin or replace DAEMON with the absolute path to btsync - Copy the script to /etc/init.d and chmod +x it - Replace BTSYNC_USERS with a list of usernames that you want btsync to work with, space delimited - Use rcconf or another tool to make the service btsync start at system initialization - Execute service btsync start Chocolatey Software | Packages matching sync Chocolatey for Business (C4B) enables better security, enhanced visibility with centralized reporting, and a self-service GUI. Self-Service Anywhere allows non-administrators to easily access and manage IT approved software from the office, from home, or anywhere they have an internet connection. CrayTo5 - Sync Forums Apr 18, 2014

- Move btsync to /usr/bin or replace DAEMON with the absolute path to btsync - Copy the script to /etc/init.d and chmod +x it - Replace BTSYNC_USERS with a list of usernames that you want btsync to work with, space delimited - Use rcconf or another tool to make the service btsync start at system initialization - Execute service btsync start

Installing Sync package on Linux – Sync Upgrade from BitTorrent Sync If you have btsync package installed and running, stop it before installing resilio-sync. All settings from btsync will be moved to resilio-sync. Before updating from btsync to resilio-sync check the size of /var/lib/btsync folder and ensure … Sync Share Dialog (Desktop) – Sync

Aug 29, 2014

Aug 28, 2015